Sunday, 17 August 2008

Last Comic Standing

Well, first of all, yes, I realize that there is no way to post comments on my posts. Sorry! I'm trying to figure it out! If anyone would like to help me, you can contact me at In the meantime, just post your comments on the CBox.

My computer's being slow as heck.

Okay, I just watched the season finale of Last Comic Standing. I know, I know, it aired weeks ago. I taped it, and it just took me forever to get around to watching it.
I am very unhappy with the results. Iliza!!! I don't like her! Her jokes really weren't all that funny to me. T_T I liked Marcus and Jeff Dye. Jeff Dye's homeless joke was hilarious. And Marcus's music jokes, too! He actually sings pretty well :D

(Jeff's homeless joke)

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